Over the summer I read something about decorating that really stuck me. It was something to the effect of this: "Stop making excuses for the way your house looks. If you find yourself giving huge narratives to visitors about the carpet or paint colors that you hate, it's time to do something."
My house is really fantastic. It was mostly that way when we bought it, but there was one room that I always explained. "Well, it's purple because the previous owners had 3 girls. See that big ugly thing? I thought the huge red filing cabinet would fit INTO the closet, but it doesn't. I know nothing matches....this is a totally random room....I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it" I was embarrassed of our guest room/ office.
I decided it was time to do something, and I gave myself a 2 month time line to complete it before my in-laws came to visit. Then I realized that my mom would be coming a month before them, and it would be so nice to have it ready for her too! There's nothing like a dead line to get me moving!
This is the old desk I salvaged from our basement and painted black.

When Brian and I were dating, he felt embarrassed about his apartment. It was a classic bachelor pad with no decorative touches anywhere. I helped him pick out a couple Adam Ansel black and white prints and we've kept them every since. I pulled them out recently (from the basement, of course) I'm sticking with green, black and white color scheme in this room. What do you think about them stacked up over the bed? I feel unsure.....which probably means it's not the best setup.

Hi! I haven't tried this yet, but I've been wanting to...
The Fairport library has a BUNCH of paintings you can borrow just like books! I think it would be a great way to try different styles of paintings or different groupings... for free!
Maybe not the perfect solution but I thought I'd throw it out there!
I like the Adams print & the "new" furniture..Make sure you buy or cut some fresh flowers before she comes- I would personally go with pretty, hardy, fall ones like Sunflowers and the like to match the season. Fresh flowers add instant beauty to every room and are always a visitor pleaser!
That desk is a major transformation. I love the new black look.
Great projects! I'm sure you're very pleased - it all looks great and didn't cost a fortune!
at first glance i liked the scrolly thing above the frame... but as i kept looking at it i'm not so sure... I think the frame would look great all by itself... but i know you're trying to find a use for the scroll... hmmm, maybe try the scroll underneath a shelf? like a free hanging shelf?
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