The one below was made with vanilla yogurt, banana and spinach. Healthy, Healthy, Healthy. Not my favorite, but he ate all of them. Isn't the color gross?

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Made by Brian Trager
hmm, maybe thats a good way to get me to eat veggies! LOL
eww I can;t beleive you put spinach in there, very daring,,, can't beleive he likes them so much !
Ok YUCK this just grosses me out :(
Good for him with it while it lasts!
I will have to try one of these next time I come over! I don't know about the spinach and banana though...that sounds yucky!
A mum's gotta do what a mum's gotta do! It's amazing that toddlers will eat the weirdest combinations of food. Good on you for your ingenious idea.
Um, you're right....that doesn't look very good! But if your kids eat it then great! I'm gonna have to try this with my picky daughter.
We make smoothies all the time, I never thought about freezing the left overs. Great idea.
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