Joshua: Indiana
Kaylee: Indy-York
Joshua: West Consin
Kaylee: Indy-Consin
Joshua: O-hi-A
Brian: How many miles did we drive on our trip?
Joshua: 50?
Kaylee: 17?
Brian: NOT EVEN CLOSE!!! 1,347 miles!
Gracie’s words of survival: “MINE!”, “NO!”, “MAMA”
“My dad knows the way to go because he’s SUPERMAN. He can see through walls. “ - Joshua
“I love you more than all the planets in the solar system, and more than all the planets that lead to the sun.” -Joshua
“Mom, I love you FOREVER.” –Kaylee (she randomly tells me this all day long…..and I love it each time.
“Out of all the people on all the planets, I love you number one. And I love Gracie number 2.”- Joshua
“When I grow up, I’m going to be a Mommy. And when you grow down, you’ll be a little girl! Then I’ll cut your toenails for you.” -Kaylee, while I was grooming her tiny little toes.
“I hope it’s going to snow more.” Brian said after finally getting an awesome snow blower.
(Grace is yelling “mama” and reaching under the bathroom door for me. It’s hard to get a moment of privacy!!)
Brian: That was a good game!
Me: Oh! Did the Cubs win today?
Brian: Do you know which teams represent Chicago?
Me: Yup. The Cubs and the Bears. ohhhh….Did I say the wrong one again?
“I love Sonic, mommy, daddy, Joshua and Gracie.” Kaylee.
(Kids are playing Kinnect Sports together. There has been a lot of positive affirmation; they are each other’s best cheerleaders! I also hear them say back and forth, “It doesn’t matter if you win, and it doesn’t matter if you lose. JUST HAVE FUN!)
Joshua: Do you love me, K?
Kaylee: No. I love Mommy and Gracie.
Joshua: That hurts my feelings! You should love me too!
Kaylee: When I’m 5 I’ll love you.
(I make the kids paint/ glue shirtless. Am I the only one who does that?)
Me: Why are you wearing your hat over your eyes and face like that?
Joshua: Because Julia wants to sit with new friends on the bus. Maybe she’ll think I’m a new person and want to sit with me today!
Kaylee: How old am I mom?
Me: Three and a half.
Kaylee: Ugh! Why am I always 3?
Me: How old would you like to be?
Kaylee: 100!
Me: (surprised) How did you know that?
Joshua: I saw you sign it. I know a little bit of sign language.
And I can hear a little bit too.
I just love your kids! I've seen them all day and I still come back to your blog to see what they/you've been up to! So blessed to have such a sweet friend with a-DOR-able children!!
Hi there Amy Jo! I'm happy to see your updates! Your kids are beautiful and I hope we can see you all sometime in 2011.
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