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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

baby girl, please

Yesterday, Joshua was jumping all over me and Brian asked him to stop because of the baby inside of mommy. We've mentioned the baby casually a few times, but I decided to probe a little more. I asked if Joshua if he thought the baby was a boy or a girl.

"It's a girl. Just like mommy and Kaylee with brown eyes."

I told him it could be a boy and asked if he wanted a baby brother.

"Ummmm. No thanks!" he said.


Neabear said...

Cute! I didn't know you are pregnant again! Congrats! I hope everything goes smoothly for you.

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Too funny...My boys ask for a baby sister all the time...they never seem to mention a brother though! (One of the joys of adopting is that we know our next will be a girl!)

Nate, Megan, Naomi and Levi said...

Congratulations! I actually saw your comments to Tony on Facebook and found out you're pregnant again. Hope everything is going well!

Kristin said...

Aww...that is too funny! My older one told me I was having a girl, too, when I asked him (back when I was preggo with #2). Apparently, he has not honed in his psychic abilities yet. ;)

Marlene said...

That's very funny. I wish I could remember Timmy's reaction when we told him Nora was going to be a girl. It must not have been that interesting, I guess! Do you know yet, or are you letting baby #3 be a surprise? I totally agree with the comment about choosing a gender when adopting! I keep saying I REALLY want a girl next, but I wonder if I will capitulate if we get a call for a baby boy. Hmm. (This is a few months down the road, but I am already thinking about it.)


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