I can not stop thinking about worm composting. I want to buy worms from this guy. He is very enthusiastic about his worms. I've caught a bit of his enthusiasm, I guess.
Small notebook has a great tutorial about how to make your own bin very cheaply here. Basically 2 plastic bins stacked together.
But this lady makes a beautiful worm inn that costs $60. I really want this one.
Am I crazy? Why am I so interested in worm composting? Someday I'm going to get me some worms....
That last one is so cute....but worms....uh no....I need to find another thing to use it for cause it is CUTE!
I use a composting pail inside but haven't started worm composting. We don't really have a need for the soil but at least with the pail I know I'm doing some good for the environment.
Our city offers a seminar on composting and then gives a deep discount for the bins. Just a thought...
Worm composting???? Ughhhhh Are you sure you are my Amy Jo?????
Love the door photo...but worms?!?! Bleecchhhh.....
Yes hon, you are crazy! :p
I've never heard of worm composting! I would NOT want that thing hanging in my house. Composting is a good idea. My mom does it. I haven't taken that step because of the time commitment. And I would be all paranoid about my kids playing in a compost bin in the backyard. It's interesting, though.
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