Our local middle school gave a free performance of the play, "Beauty and the Beast" the other evening. We didn't have anything planned, so my mom and I took J and K over to see it. I had to google directions, realizing that this is the first of thousands of times I'll eventually drive to the middle school.
We didn't' know any of the kids acting in it and looking around, I didn't' see anyone I knew in the auditorium. The place was filled with my neighbors, even potential friends and playmates for my children. Considering it was the first exposure to a play, it went pretty well. Kaylee yelled, "Where's the Beast?" "Where's Belle?" "Who's dat?" a few times. I wouldn't have expected anything else, honestly.
Joshua wanted to be on my lap the whole time, squirming around for a more comfortable position. He whispered, "I love you mama" three random times.
I told myself to STOP and ENJOY these wiggles. Savor the "I love you's". Watch those little hands clapping after each scene. Because in years to come, when I take my middle schooler to sit in those same seats, he won't be on my lap. He'll be talking to his friends, not whispering sweet things in my ear.
It'll be here in a flash.

Aww, Amy Jo! What a sweet post! I can't believe Joshua is starting Kindergarten this year! Weren't we just going for walks and talking about potty training and school that seemed SO far away?! Sadness!
Where did you hear about that free show? Let me know if you hear about anymore...Tori would LOVE to go to them!
Hey! I signed up for e-mails through the town of Henrietta. They send me lots of junk, but I'm glad I didn't delete that one!
We actually left early...the kids were getting antsy. But I didn't feel bad, since we didn't know anyone and didn't pay anything to get in!
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