I'm not a fan of Halloween. Never have been. I'm the house that gives out candy for 30 minutes, then gets irritated at the costumes that 7 yr. olds are wearing that I turn off all the lights and finish up the candy myself.
But now I have kids. And it's cute to see them dress up. And it's really cute to hear a 2 year old say "Happy Halloween!" TWICE to every person she sees.
Joshua said he wanted to be a doctor, so my amazing mom whipped up a doctor's coat for him during nap time the week I had baby Grace. (all my craftiness was genetically passed down from her) It says "Dr. Trager" on the lapel. Totally cute, except he changed his mind and wanted to be a dinosaur.
But now I have kids. And it's cute to see them dress up. And it's really cute to hear a 2 year old say "Happy Halloween!" TWICE to every person she sees.
I found a dinosaur outfit on Craig's List for $5, and even though it's too small, that's what he wanted to wear out. He's been watching a show called "Dinosaur Train" on PBS and told me yesterday, "I'm a hungry, hungry herbivore. I eat plants".

I bought my sweet little girl a princess dress that she HATED. She wanted to be superman. There are lots of things not worth pushing, and this is one of them.
Our friend came over with some chili and then we took the kids out trick or treating for a few minutes. It was my first time ever going out. (I really, really don't like Halloween...) but it was fun and I had a great neighborly feeling in a neighborhood that's not really all that friendly.
Tia's been watching Dinosaur Train lately too, it's one of her new favorites. It's her "rest time" choice, and at least it's educational!
Love the pics of the kids, they're adorable. I guess you didn't dress up Gracie, huh?
Can I just tell you how happy I am to hear someone else say that they don't like Halloween. I have never liked it. Not even as a child was I a huge fan. This year my hubby had to work so I had to take my girls (4 1/2 and 6 mon.) out all by myself. I still don't like Halloween but I agree that it is fun to see the kids dress up. There is something about a baby dressed up as a Hershey's kiss that just makes you smile. :)
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