Someone at work asked me to make reusable produce bags out of tulle so she can stop throwing away those stupid plastic bags from the grocery store. At 34 weeks pregnant, I said "sure!" and started playing around.Tulle is obnoxious to work with. That's all I'm going to say.
My friend wants 10, I want about 4 for myself. I think I"ll make 40 and sell them 2 for $1.50 so that I can recoupe the cost of materials. Let me know if you want a few! They come with no lifetime warranty.

I'm using these really cool toggles to cinch the tulle bags closed. I bought 75 on line and I think they are awesome. So awesome that I'm willing to sew up 40 bags just for the fun of cinching them up.
What a great idea! Love your blog! Thanks for stopping by mine! And I got the little clothes dividers at a local consignment shop :) They have them online at Babies R Us though -- I love them! :)
That is a good idea. I never thought about using tulle in that way. Hmmm....
That is super cool!
Come grab your blog award!
Very cool...and green idea!
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