It's normal, right? For all the baby dolls in my house to be nakey? I think it might be, but it still bothers me. So I made a cloth diaper with velcro closures to see if I could tempt the mommy in training to shape up a little bit.
They fit pretty good, considering I'm the one who made them.
"Mamma, the baby don't need diapers!", she said right before ripping it off.
Maybe she'll change her mind once she sees me diapering a newborn all day long.
OMG all of our babies are naked too! LOL! Olivia does take all of her diapers out of the basket and try to put them on her baby, I am constantly picking them up. If they have clothes on she just takes them off or throws a fit until I do!
OMG all of our babies are naked too! LOL! Olivia does take all of her diapers out of the basket and try to put them on her baby, I am constantly picking them up. If they have clothes on she just takes them off or throws a fit until I do!
OMG all of our babies are naked too! LOL! Olivia does take all of her diapers out of the basket and try to put them on her baby, I am constantly picking them up. If they have clothes on she just takes them off or throws a fit until I do!
OMG all of our babies are naked too! LOL! Olivia does take all of her diapers out of the basket and try to put them on her baby, I am constantly picking them up. If they have clothes on she just takes them off or throws a fit until I do!
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