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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pizza plate

I'm slowing going through cupboards and closets and drawers and getting rid of things that I don't NEED, LOVE or USE DAILY. ummmm....there's a lot that needs to be purged, but the pack rat in me keeps getting in the way.

For example, this is a lovely pizza pie plate that I got as a wedding gift. I don't use it much because all those little holes means lots of crumbs all over the counter. I put it in my donate box, then pulled it right back out and hung it on my wall.

What a great shape! A great size! Cool texture! I could totally spray paint that and then use it as a backdrop for a wooden letter "T" or some pretty paper or something. Right? I can make something with that pizza sheet!

Are you doing any spring cleaning? Are you getting rid of things better than I am?


Kristin said...

You have the most inventive, creative mind. Really! And I definitely have the spring cleaning bug, but have I done anything about it?!? My house is in serious need of some purging, though. When I am stressed out, I make piles. I really need that awesome Peter guy from Clean Sweep to come over for a while and show me some organizational tips.

Marlene said...

I would have never in a million years thought of hanging up a pizza plate. What did Brian say? :) It honestly perplexes me how your home looks nice, you work, and you have two kids. Give me some of what you have! So how are you going to make pizza now?

We are using a strategy that Dan has been using with his team at work. Take a big task (in our case our bedroom), and break it up into small jobs. (Clear the main part of the floor, clear the top of chest #1, then chest #2, etc). Then estimate how much time each smaller task will take (in our case with both of us working on it). Then put each task on the calendar across several dates, and write down the task and how much time you've set aside for it. It's working like a CHARM! Our bedroom is looking not beautiful yet (we're not done), but nice, and it's so EFFICIENT! We've even found some things to get rid of . . .

Lisa said...

Hey! I gave that to you as a wedding gift! How dare you toss it! You better hand it on your wall or else!



Made by Brian Trager