Joshua and little Leah have been spending time together since the week she was born. (He's 4 months older) They play well together and are just starting to have little conversations. Her mom overheard this one:
Joshua: (smiling mischievously) You are a boy!
Leah: (shaking her head) NO! I'm not.
Joshua: (laughing) Yes, you are a boy!
This conversation repeated several times, as most toddler conversations do.
Finally Leah said in exasperation, "I'm a girl and I'm going to marry you!"
Joshua didn't know what to say, so he turned and walked away.

Joshua: (smiling mischievously) You are a boy!
Leah: (shaking her head) NO! I'm not.
Joshua: (laughing) Yes, you are a boy!
This conversation repeated several times, as most toddler conversations do.
Finally Leah said in exasperation, "I'm a girl and I'm going to marry you!"
Joshua didn't know what to say, so he turned and walked away.

omg, that is beyond adorable!!!!! Kids are so stinking awesome. I want one!
hahaha! that is TOO CUTE! :)
How darn cute! But wait, I thought he was betrothed to Tia!
Aw, that was way too cute!! :)
Smart girl...she just told him the way it was going to be. I hope Mommy approves! :)
Amy - this is awesome! Love it. Those are the things I capture in my blogs... Well what few I've written.
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