I fixed the comment options back to the way they it was, so your comments can be posted again. Sorry about that. (You know it makes my day to know someone read my blog, right?)

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Made by Brian Trager
I tried to comment and I couldn't! I thought it was just me because goggle reader didn't like me at work this week. lol
Oh good! I did try to leave a comment twice and was like, what is going on? So rest assured, you're not boring :)
Yes, your son is a cute little Republican in the making.
And wow....you have really gotten into painting! Great!
Oh good I tried like 20 times to leave comments and then I started to get paranoid that maybe you blocked me from leaving comments....so I am glad to know you did not. I was going to email you and then I thought if I was blocked I should not email you :D
I tried leaving you a comment the other day too! I thought that the blog thing was messed up again! Joshua's new haircut is so cute! We have to get together soon!
You are so funny Amy Jo! I tried to comment before, too. Glad all is back to normal. :)
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