I count 14 books on my side of the bed and 0 on Brian's side of the bed. I can't imagine having so much space on my nightstand!
Most of the books are garage sale finds, or books passed along to me. When I run out of those, I go to the library and come home with at least 10 books. Occasionally, I find a book that I feel is deserving of space on my shelf (and money out of my pocket). But getting books from the library or second hand works for me; if I don't like the first 30 or so pages, I just skip it.
I recently read "The Secret Life of Bees" by Sue Monk Kidd, and that one's a keeper.
I just read "Blessings" by Anna Quindlen. The story line to this book is really great, but the style of writing wasn't my favorite. I often caught myself re-reading to make sure I understood what was going on.
I also just finished something off of Oprah's book list. I can't even remeber the title....Let me tell you, I've been disappointed over and over by the books with her sticker on them. Obviously, I shouldn't be taking book recommendations from her. What's on your reading list this summer?
wow. you do read a lot!
I liked Secret Life of Bees too. Real cute.
I just signed up with a site called goodreads.com
Have you heard of that? It's totally cool. It's like friendster where you link up with other friends to see what each other is reading and you can leave a short review on the books you've read and rate them, etc. It's a great way to get book reading ideas. Maybe I'll send you an invite :)!
After hearing so much about the Twilight series, I've written it down on my list. Now I just have to get to the library...
I am also usually disappointed with the Oprah books. 'Beloved' and 'The Bluest Eye' come to mind. I think she has a very complicated style preference.
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