Grace (16 months) will walk to the door, get her coat and say "Let's go mama!"
Her language has EXPLODED this month in sign and speech.
Kaylee: You be the jaguar and I'll be the monkey. (she got on his back for a ride)
When I come in from work, Grace will run to me, yelling MAMA and signing "milk".

Brian: Do you think I'm strong enough to pick up mommy?
Joshua: YES! You are strong enough to pick up this whole house!
J: What's that girls name at your pre-school?
K: Sarino
J: What's her password?
K: I don't know.
J: I mean her password, you know, her last name
K: I really don't know!
K: You be the dog and I'll be the mom.
Let's go for a ride! C'mon boy!
Now you be the mom and I"ll be the dog!
Brian taught Grace to say and sign "football" on Superbowl Sunday.

As we snuggled before bedtime, Joshua said, "You look like a PRINCESS!"
"Awwwww. Thanks! You're so sweet!"was my reply.
"I know." He said confidently with a huge grin.
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