When I saw
Beckie's post on uncrustable sandwiches, I had a moment. DUH. Why wasn't I making my own freezer sandwiches for the kids instead of buying from
Smuckers. I mean, I love
Smuckers uncrustables. They are so yummy, super easy to grab for picnics and the kid's lunches on days that I work. But they are not cheap. $.50 a pop to be exact.
I bought a
Krustbuster sandwich maker, purchased through Amazon.
I like that there is very minimal crust waste.
I like that I can use whole wheat bread.
I like that it removed the crust pretty darn good.
I like it!
I plan on making an entire loaf or two up at a time and throwing them into the freezer so I can grab them just like

Got any other tips for making
summertime lunches easier?
Yay, you got one! They look yummy...might have to do that when school starts up again, it would save a ton of time.
That looks so cool. I'm going right to Amazon to check them out.
Another thing I do is wash and bag grapes ahead of time so I can grab them and put them in our lunch bag. They freeze well too!
oh my goodness! they look awesome!! i see lunch hour at camp trager in my future...who knew a little invention could make "sliced bread" even better? woohoo
They look great and inviting.
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