I bought them even though they were too long. I needed about 2 inches hemmed. "What not to Wear" advises to buy off the rack to fit your waist and then tailor them where needed. But there's no way I'm going to pay for my $19 jeans (great sale at JC Penny) to be tailored.
I googled "how to hem jeans" and found a few tutorials. This one is my favorite, by Cardigan Empire.
It was a little challenging to photograph my own jean hem in the break room at work, hoping that no one else would walk in and see me in a contortionist pose and ask what I was doing.
" You see....I have this blog.... and I just hemmed these pants and I can't post without a picture...."

You are so funny - and resourceful! Great job! I'll be coming to you next time I need help with hemming jeans. ;)
And you and Brian look lovely together in the photo that Joshua took. Congratulations on 9 years.
WOW, great job. And, I've been noticing that you do look fantastic lately! Great job on the size 12!
you did a GREAT job. love the contrasting topstitched look. and, those sandals....girl, they are cute, cute!
Okay, that's it, I am sooo bringing you my jeans when they need to be hemmed...I'll bring you coffee and fresh baked bread?! Nice!
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