My kids are really into “teamwork” lately, which is really awesome. I wanted to reinforce this awesomeness and display some family rules . Some of these ideas are borrowed, some are common sense and some are things we say just in our family. (Click on the picture to make it bigger and readable)
I used a big frame that a friend gave me before moving out west. Thanks Anette! I love when people pass things along to me…
I bought a pack of coordinating papers that I liked at Michael’s for $7.99 and started cutting them up. This project could have used a little more math skills, but I did the best I could with 2 little people helping me cut up the papers.
I put it at the bottom of the stairs, and a different one catches my eye every time I pass by. Today, after Kaylee had 5 time outs for hitting, I showed her the one that says “Hands are for hugging, not for hitting”.
What would your Family Team frame say?
Your welcome! It took me a few minutes to figure out what was initially in the frame...aha! A flower I think, that used to hang above my couch. Anyway, what a great idea, I love it!
i like "snuggle mommy every day" ;-)