
Thursday, July 22, 2010

No Solicitors, Please!

I don't like strangers coming to my house, trying to sell me things.
Leave me alone!!!!! (thankyouverymuch)
I ordered a vinyl thing from this etsy store, empressivedesign. ($4)
Bought a $.99 wood rectangle from Walmart.
Painted it, pressed the vinyl on the best I could after Kaylee got a hold of "a new sticker". Vinyl is not very forgiving to work with.
Drilled 2 holes and strung a ribbon through.

Simple project, right? It took me 4 weeks to complete this. Serious! The "normal" me would have cranked this out in 15 minutes, but the "sleep deprived, working mother of 3" version of me is having a hard time lately.

I'm really hoping to deter the guy selling meat out of the back of his truck, the college kids selling knives, coupon books to the go-cart place, and the Kirby people. Especially the Kirby people.

While browsing around, I found this sign which made me LAUGH! It's not quite my style, but I appreciate its message:


  1. I really like your sign! It is wrong that the other sign is right up my alley? Don't think I'd seriously hang it, but I do like it;)

  2. that second sign is too funny!!

    I have a feeling that if I was a sleep deprived working mother of 3 than I might be more inclined towards that one ;-)

    i want an update on if the sign keeps the kirby folks at bay


Thanks for taking time to comment. It makes my day!