
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

me and Grace

It was a beautiful autumn day.  

We had the camera out to capture the kids playing on the new swing set.

And then Grace walked in front of Joshua’s swing and got knocked over.

The tears flowed and flowed.  Brian’s camera continued to capture the moment as I held my baby close, kissed away her tears and told her a story.

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“Once upon a time there was a family with a mommy, a daddy and two kids.  They were happy, but it seemed like they were missing someone.  One day, the mommy brought home a baby and called her GRACE!   Now the family was very happy because they were all together!”

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Admittedly, a totally lame story, but it took her mind off the fall and got her laughing.   I guess everyone likes to hear stories about how wonderfully loved they are.

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I didn’t realize that Brian caught this tender moment on his camera, but I’m glad he did!   I spend a lot of time comforting these little hurts…it’s a big part of the job description for a mama.  2012-10-24 001 2012-10-21 135

We were able to capture her blotchy, smiling face a few moments later with the gorgeous maple tree in the backyard. 


  1. This brought real tears to my eyes!

  2. my sweet little these pics of you two!

  3. Such precious, tender and special pictures. Wow!



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