
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Framed art

I found some super awesome wood frames at Kirkland’s recently.  They were on clearance, plus I had a coupon so I ended up getting about 12 of them.   Smile   I gave the one below as a wedding present with one of my favorite quotes in the center. 

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I considered lining up a bunch of them above the couch.   I’d have to replace the centers of them all;  there’s a shoe, an owl and some birds.   The owl is pretty cute, though.

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Or maybe I’ll put a bunch of canvas  along the ledge.  

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Maybe just three for now, and I’ll scour pinterest for something fun for the middle canvas.

2012-10-14 001 2012-10-03 014

1 comment:

  1. love the frame and quotes idea....I collect quotes that I love and stick them in a journal....should do something with them!


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