
Friday, September 28, 2012

First Day of School 2012

Joshua started 2nd grade.  He has the same classmates as last year, but a new teacher.

Kaylee started half day kindergarten and is home by 11am every day.

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Bus stop buddies.

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Watching the “big yellow monster” , as she playfully calls it.  She’s been waiting 2 years for this day, when she can join Joshua to be whisked away to school.  (Check out those eyelashes!)

2012-09-27 001 2012-09-04 053Mr. Snyder the bus driver.



Both kids have had a great first month of school!    Grace still misses her sis in the mornings, but has my full attention everyday for a few hours.


  1. I loved when Gia had half day preschool because it gave us a little while together and she felt like an only child! She was my lunch buddy every afternoon.
    Enjoy these moments!

  2. I love the pic of Kaylee looking up at the bus....gosh she is so cute!!!!
    love, her grammy

  3. these pictures are priceless.... so excited for them both!!


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