
Saturday, December 24, 2011

It was the night before Christmas


It was the night before Christmas…..and they all fell asleep in the car.

I don’t know why, but I think it’s really funny when that happens.  Funny enough to say, “Hey take a picture of them!”

We spent Christmas Eve afternoon and dinner at Grandpa’s house doing fun things like duffle bag rides and opening presents.


Right before we left for a church service, Grace had a massive blow out diaper.   I didn’t bring an extra set of clothes because last time I did, no one needed them.    We hosed her off and then began searching for some clothes for her.   In the closet, I found a diaper bag that I had stashed just for this purpose….4 years ago.  I found a shirt that fit, but it had transformers on the front.  NICE CHRISTMAS EVE OUTFIT.

Joshua wore some jeans that had a small rip in the knees.   (I just can’t catch everything before we walk out of the house….. )  In the car, he managed to turn that small rip into an absolutely GIGANTIC rip.  I mean, like “worse than I’ve ever seen” ripped jeans.   See????



My mom asked if the church people saw my family and offered to take up a collection so I could clothe my family at Christmas.  LOL.

At one point, I gave Grace my phone to play with, and she managed to turn on Beyonce’s “Put a Ring on it” during the sermon.   I had an agonizing 5 seconds of desperately pushing pause and play and pause and play on the phone. Nothing like a little R&B ON-CHRISTMAS-EVE. 

The kids were restless, they covered their ears with their hands, told me 67 times how thirsty they were.

Going to church is hard.   We don’t do it much.  But on Christmas Eve it was just where I needed to be.   Listening to the songs of the season, the ones that mean the most at this time of year. 

Glory to God in the Highest



  1. Oh my! That sounds stressful! You really persevered! Did you go to Christmas Eve services growing up? I did, and loved them.

    Duffel bag rides. Ha.

  2. My goodness! What a day for you! I can just see you frantically trying to turn off your phone! The image cracked me up that hubby had to come and see what I was laughing about. I hope the rest of the week goes smoothly.


  3. I haven't blogged about it yet but at our Christmas Eve service Gia asked me with such a serious face "Why aren't there kids meals?". That was her response when I told her that communion was just for the adults!
    Love your stories.

  4. Not a memory you hope to have every year- but one you'll never ever forget!! You won mama rockstar of the day award with this one- i know it wasn't easy but you were committed to going, good for you to go no matter what!! xoxo


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