This is my best advice: don’t buy brand new furniture if you think you’ll ever have kids.
My second best advice:don’t buy upholstered dining chairs if you think you’ll ever have kids.
Why didn’t anyone tell me this? MOM???
I’ve replaced the fabric on these dang chairs way more than I ever anticipated. I’ve tried outdoor canvas, thick decorator’s fabric and now my latest idea: iron on vinyl
I picked out four different cotton prints, washed the fabric then ironed on a sheet of vinyl to each.
I spray painted the chair frames white to match the new round table then stapled the new fabric to the seat cushions.
They are absolutely FANTASTIC to wipe off. Ketchup, milk, syrup…it all just wipes off.
I have no doubts that my kids will find a way to demolish and destroy these, but for now I like that they are C.L.E.A.N.
Great idea! They look awesome with the white paint too. Love how each chair has a different fabric but all in the main theme of BLUE!
Thanks! I love the different patterned fabrics too. Because I used the vinyl, I wasn't limited to the heavier fabric section; there were so many more choices! I've seen other people do different colored chair bases AND different fabric patterns on each chair, but that's a little too eclectic for me.