
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Craft fail to sleeping bag

Have you ever made something that was terribly flawed but you couldn’t bear to throw it out?  

While I was pregnant with my first baby, I decided to knit a baby blanket.    I bought gobs of soft yellow yarn and proceeded to make a little blanket with the one stitch I know:  Pearl.    That’s it.  Pearl over and over and over.

I brought this project with me everywhere:  on the train ride to NYC to visit my sister, to work, on car trips, and to classes that had down time.   It was a major part of my pregnancy.   Every little stitch brought me closer to my due date…closer to holding my softly bundled baby.


But, it didn’t turn out so great.   


11 holes where I dropped a stitch . 


I hated it.  I hated it so much!  But I couldn’t bear to throw it away.  So many hours, so many skeins of yarn.

I never used it on my firstborn baby, or any of them, actually.  It moved from closet to closet and eventually landed in my fabric stash for a couple of years.   


It didn’t belong there either.  It needed a HOME or a quick toss in the garbage. 



I fooled around with it, and realized that if I folded it up, like 8 times, it wasn’t quite so lopsided.    I sewed around the edges and VOILA!   It’s a doll sleeping bag.


I know….. it’s a sad, sad story.

1 comment:

  1. I have a crooked afghan too. Using scraps of yarn...crocheted though and not least you found a way to use it!



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