
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Flower power napkins

I need to add some "sas" to Kaylee's bedroom.  It's a very green room and I'm not about to re-paint it, but I do have some ideas....

First off is something I saw on MADE, making napkin flowers.

Start off with some $1.50 napkins from W*mart.  I layered 4 white and two hot pink for the center. 
Cut some wavy lines now. Or do it later.

Fold it up like an accordion and steal the tie wrap off the bread bag.  It won't show later.

Pull all the layers out and fluff away.

Open bag of chocolate chips for energy and feed them one at a time to a cranky baby so you can make 5 flowers in a row.
Watch baby pass out from chocolate.  Or boredom.
They make me happy. I'm not sure Kaylee really cares that much. I hot glued them onto a ribbon, but they are so big that they were flopping around.  I decided to hot glue them right to the wall.   I'm 80% sure I can get them off without ruining the paint.

After hanging the flowers, I let Kaylee take a hundred pictures on my camera.  I went through them, clicking "delete, delete, delete" until I got to this one.

This picture sums up the past year of my a fog.


  1. Way to make me laugh this morning!!!! Keep that creativity going are amazing...and by the way don't stop blogging....I think you are great!

  2. i know you feel foggy but you're incredibly creative. Let projects like those flowers and this blog be reminders of the awesome You under the Mom, Wife, Work haze.


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