
Monday, September 13, 2010

books everywhere

"Too much reading is good.  Too much T.V. video games is bad."

At our house, video games and computer time is much more enticing than the TV.   In my opinion, it's just as yucky as watching too much TV.    I'm fortunate that my kids LOVE to read too.  Now that nap times are pretty much a wash for both of them, they read for at least an hour in the afternoon during quiet time, plus about 30 min before falling asleep.    Joshua started reading well at 3 and a half, and I wonder if Kaylee will do the same.

I buy tons of books from garage sales and stash them away, passing them out one at a time.  Over the years I've collected at least 200 kids books, and there are shelves, stacks and baskets full of books in just about every room of my house.

I pick up books like a breathe air:  ALL THE TIME (they do help a little)

Because they can't see the front cover of the books, my kids make a gigantic mess looking for a book they want to read.   I've been considering a better solution for some time now.

Becky at Infarrantly Creative made a Pottery Barn knock off book shelf.


Beth at The Stories of A to Z made rain gutter book shelves along a wall in her kiddos room.

I'm leaning towards the rain gutter idea.    So unique!
Got any book taming ideas to share?

1 comment:

  1. I like the gutter idea a lot. I don't have any ideas for you, my books were always in a bookcase, and ended up looking like that pile you've got there. The good thing is, most of the books my kids read now have to go back to the library...more problems-lol!


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