
Thursday, April 1, 2010

April fools fun

I pranked my kids with some strawberry jello drinks. They were really excited to have a drink with a straw instead of a lid. After 10 seconds both of them were complaining, "It doesn't work mom! Help. It's broken!" Joshua laughed when I explained it was a trick. Kaylee didn't. Neither one of them would eat the stuff. I thought it was pretty funny.

This is the first year I've mentioned April Fool's Day to Joshua. I signed up to bring snack for his pre-school and we made some dirt. He thought it was a great thing to trick his friends. In fact, he told them all about it the day before. I forgot to tell him that it needed to be a secret for it to really surprise them!

We crushed up oreos for dirt, chocolate pudding for mud, small marsh mellows for stones and gummy worms. Grammy bought him a pail for this special occasion and we layered it all in there. It was a hit at school. I'm just glad I wasn't the one who had to clean up 11 kids who ate "mud" for snack.

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