
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Baby Gracie

Grace Leona joined our family Ocober 16th at 11:48pm.
8 pounds, 7 ounces, 22 inches long
Completely drug and medication free delivery!

She took her time picking a day to come, but Gracie didn't mess around once labor started! I stayed at home until the contractions were 2 minutes apart for 2 hours. I was scrapbooking in my bedroom, pausing every few minutes to breathe through contractions. It kept me distracted and helped pass the time! I tried to watch TV while on a yoga ball for a while too, but all of a sudden I decided we needed to be at the hospital PRONTO!

We arrived at 9:30pm and I was 4 CM; I almost asked for an epidural. I've been saying for months that I was going to try my best to avoid any drugs. But it was bad. I told Brian over and over, "You don't understand how bad this is." He said back to me, "I know, but you can do it". Over and over. He did a great job keeping me focused and motivated. We counted up to 8 over and over until each contraction passed. I had his undivided attention! My midwife was with me almost the entire time and by 11:40 I was pushing her out.

I was so happy not to be paralyzed from the waist down, or have wires strung over and inside of me. I didn't even have an IV put in, which can be more annoying (although certainly less risky!) than an epidural. It's a good feeling to know that my body was created to birth babies just as other women for thousands of years. I have a bunch of amazing girlfriends who shared with me the reasons they pursued a natural childbirth. Thanks to their courage and encouragement, I changed my mind, attitude and decisions for this third delivery. It may have been the hardest, most intense, most painful thing I've ever done. But I've got this little bundle of perfection....


  1. Wow Amy Jo. She's beautiful. And I'm so excited about your birth story. What a way to go! You are amazing. Enjoy the sweet moments to come! ~Erin

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Amy Jo....

    I have tears in my eyes reading your story! How happy and proud you are and you SHOULD BE!! I know how much you wanted a drug free delivery, it's so wonderful Brian was able to remind you that you could do it even when it was at its worst. You are an amazing woman- your childern are so lucky to have an AWESOME mom like you!!

    Welcome to the World lil' Gracie, when God was picking mothers he choose someone extra special for you!

  4. she is gorgeous! Congrats on doing it drug free! :D

  5. She's a beauty, and looks a lot like Joshua did at that age. I can't wait to see pics of the three of them together!

    Good job Mama!

  6. How lovely to read your birth story, I'm so pleased for you that you were able to do things the way you had hoped to. Grace is a beautiful, perfect little baby! Enjoy your 'babymoon' with the family.

  7. She's perfect! I'm so happy for you and Brian and Joshua and Kaylee. ♥

  8. Congratulations Amy! Grace is so precious. A beautiful baby! You are so blessed.

  9. I am really happen for you. I am also really impressed that you were so strong! Way to go!

  10. oh my word! SHE IS SO SO SO SO SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!

    Good for you Amy!


  11. She really is beautiful! Most babies don't look that good so early! I've been thinking about you all week and was pleasantly surprised when I checked your blog tonight! Hooray! I told Timmy and Nora, and they were both excited!!!

  12. She's an angel. Such a neat story as well. Thank you so much for sharing. Enjoy your sweet bundle of love.

  13. I already told you how beautiful she is, but it bears repeating. Again, CONGRATS! I'm looking forward to hearing all of the baby milestones and her interactions with Joshua and Kaylee. :)

  14. Congratulations to the proud parents, brother and sister! She's beautiful.


  15. Congratulations!!! She is beautiful!!!

  16. Congratulations, what a beautiful baby. I recently found your blog and I LOVE it!! You are so inventive.

  17. ACK!!! OMG SHE'S HERE...Hello Little Gracie, you are beautiful like your momma. And you will be loved and cooe'd upon by big brother and sister...welcome to the are a blessed child.


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