
Friday, August 29, 2008

Kaylee signs "bed"

It's exciting to see any kid pick up new vocabulary, but it's super exciting when they are so little! Kaylee already signs "more", "all done" and "yes". She's started signing "bed" this week. I love it....can you tell I'm just a little bit thrilled to see her communicating with me? Although she cries at the very end of the video, I assure you that she was asleep within seconds.
Kaylee signs "bed" from Amy on Vimeo.


  1. Amy Jo,
    How wonderful it is babies can communicate before they can actually tell us what they want. It takes a good mom to teach them though...

    She is darling!

  2. So sweet! I love this age... and how proud they are when they make mama happy!

  3. There is nothing cooler than when kids start signing. I love watching my niece and nephew sign. it melts my heart! Thats super cute!!!

  4. I know I am late into this but I have to say that I LOVE seeing babies sign. Their hands are so small and precious! The little ones don't usually sign perfectly is what I love the most!
    Thanks for sharing!!

  5. This is precious! My aunt is deaf and I've wanted to learn sign for as long as I can remember. It's a beautiful language...I'm totally in awe of it. Perhaps one day I will able to learn it for me as well as my aunt.


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